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Maintenance agreement for the paper production planning system
LLC "Opti-Soft" continues to support and develop software in "Arkhbum tissue group", Kaluga
Results of the international exhibition LESDREVMASH-2020
The Opti-Soft company has successfully presented software systems, which are in high demand among forestry enterprises worldwide
Implementation of "Commercial" module of Opti-Sawmill system at the Solomensky Sawmill
Software implementation at PJSC " Solomensky Sawmill " (Republic of Karelia) is in progress in terms of orders and shipments management.
Software system for optimal volume planning was implemented at Ilim Timber Bavaria
Software system for planning and managing the production of sawmills and woodworking mills Opti-Sawmill was implemented at the Ilim Timber Bavaria (Germany).
News on the LESDREVMASH-2020 website
Partners posted news about software systems for optimizing production and sales of Opti-soft LLC
The best Russian exhibition in the Timber and Lumber Industry Category
On October 19-22, 2020, Moscow will host the annual International Exhibition LESDREVMASH-2020. It is traditionally attended by the company "Opti-Soft".
Certificates of Honor from Petrozavodsk City Hall to employees of Opti-Soft
Employees of Opti-Soft were awarded with Certificates of Honor from Petrozavodsk City Hall for many years of fruitful work.
Pre-project survey of the leading birch plywood producer in the Nizhny Novgorod region
An agreement was signed to conduct a pre-project survey of production processes at Group Delta Investments LLC with the use of Opti-Plywood - cloud service for optimizing production.
Pre-project survey of LLC GeoPack
The purpose of pre-project survey of production processes at the LLC GeoPack is redesign of production processes and Opti-Corrugated information system implementation.