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Software installation agreement with one of the Russian timber industry leaders
Kraslesinvest JSC starts implementation of Opti-Sawmill
Implementation of the module "Bar-coding of finished goods"
New module of the planning system at the largest enterprise in Russia for the production of paper special types
Opti-Soft LLC continues cooperation with LLC «LDK 2»
New maintenance agreement is signed with one of the largest enterprises in the Vologda region
Launch of trial operation of the "Opti-Loading" web-service
One of the largest lumber and fiberboard manufacturers in Russia optimizes loading of finished goods
Cooperation with Opti-Soft LLC prolonged at the largest paper producer in Russia
One of the leaders of the Russian pulp and paper industry, Mondi Syktyvkar LPK JSC , continues Use of Opti-Loading
Segezha Group continues using Opti-Sawmill
Opti-Sawmill update for better response to external calls
Maintenance contract for the Opti-Corrugated production planning system
"Opti-Soft" LLC continues to support and develop software in UpakMaster LLC, Rostov region
New OPTI-SAWMILL maintenance agreement
One of the world's top sawn timber producers - Ilim Timber continues cooperation with Opti-Soft
Software system for certification of accessibility of social infrastructure facilities
Software maintenance for the Ministry of Social Protection of Karelia